The LLVLC Show (Episode 585): Lipidologist Dr. Thomas Dayspring Explains The Truth About Cholesterol « Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Blog
nb: he says that LDL particle size is irrelevant, and that only particle number is relevant
In Episode 585 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore,” we welcome the Director of Cardiovascular Education at the Richmond, VA-based Foundation for Health Improvement and Technology (FHIT) and lipid expert Dr. Thomas Dayspring.
Listen to Dr. Thomas Dayspring enlighten on cholesterol:
When he came out of medical school, there was nothing on lipids
How he’s tried to bring clarity to lipid health
The science has “so radically changed” in recent years
Everything that’s been taught is “pretty much dead wrong”
Cholesterol measurements can be “incredibly deceiving”
Total cholesterol was all there was in the 1970s
Higher cholesterol was considered a risk for heart disease
The Framingham Study tied heart risk with high cholesterol
All research started to “chase cholesterol” after this
It seemed if you could cut cholesterol then risk lowered
This started a race to create drugs to drop cholesterol
Why do 70% of heart events still happen despite the meds?
You need skeptics with anything that we’ve been told
New physicians will learn what they’ve learned will be outdated
Many young doctors tend to be a little more “open-minded”
Unfortunately, med students are taught by the old guard
Atherosclerosis is simply an accumulation of sterols
Growing plaque gets inflamed which leads to a clot
Cholesterol is the killer but only if it’s in the artery wall
But cholesterol is a vital element in the human body
Cholesterol in your plasma (blood) isn’t hurting anyone
If cholesterol is high in blood, people think it’s high in arteries
Tim Russert a prime example of cholesterol theory failure
Cholesterol are oils and not soluble in liquids
No human has lipids “floating around” in the blood
These oils are wrapped in proteins called lipoproteins
Lipids go nowhere in the human body without lipoproteins
This is the only way cholesterol gets into artery wall
A lipoprotein that “crashes your artery wall” is atherogenic
If particles carrying LDL cholesterol are high, lower it
You can have low cholesterol and a nightmare particle number
This is why people can die with normal cholesterol numbers
If statins remove LDL cholesterol, it may not get particles
When VLDL loses triglycerides, it becomes LDL cholesterol
HDL is “classically but erroneously” called “good cholesterol”
How total cholesterol is calculated on lipid testing
Doctors tend to only pay attention to LDL particles
If LDL is high, it’s assumed you have too many LDL particles
NMR Lipoprofile counts the number of LDL, VLDL and HDL particles
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a “much better predictor of heart attack”
Normal ApoB is what you are looking for more than anything
There’s “no use” for getting a VAP test conducted
You need to “insist” on getting ApoB or LDL particle counts
Berkeley does give you an ApoB, but it focuses on wrong things
Small LDL particles are “irrelevant” as a risk factor
Familial hypercholesterolemia is horrendous on health
Why spend your money on useless lipid testing?
The treatment strategy varies according to risk degree
First line therapy is “always nutritional”
When your liver makes VLDL particles, it turns to triglycerides
Doctors ignore triglycerides unless they’re high–BIG MISTAKE!
What raises triglycerides? It’s the carbohydrates!
LDL cholesterol can look fine but LDL particle count is “lethal”
But you won’t be fine because they’re loaded with triglycerides
Doctors need to be telling patients to “cut the damn carbs”
Ignore cholesterol and check your triglycerides first
The total cholesterol limit of 200 is “ancient history”
HDL and triglycerides should both be 50
The HDL world is “radically changing” now too
CETP will pull triglycerides out of VLDL to LDL and HDL
The mechanism behind why triglycerides go up, HDL goes down
On a low-carb diet, triglycerides go down and HDL increases
The only thing that really matters is HDL particle count
If you have high HDL cholesterol but low HDL particle count…
You can be at greater risk for heart disease
Pay attention to the HDL particles you have over anything
There have been no goals for HDL cholesterol because of this
Low HDL is usually a risk factor because of high triglycerides
Low HDL is no risk for heart disease if triglycerides are low
More important: ApoB, LDL particles and HDL particles
The American Heart Association’s “Get With The Guidelines”
136,000 people with heart disease were included in this
55% had an LDL cholesterol under 100
18% had an LDL cholesterol under 70
Flip a coin: heads you win, tails you lose
Average American triglyceride level: 140-150 (NOT GOOD!)
Get an ApoB or an LDL particle count
If you’re insulin resistant, read Gary Taubes‘ booksThere are four ways you can listen to Episode 585:
1. Listen at the iTunes page for the podcast:
2. Listen and comment about the show at the official web site for the podcast:
3. Download the MP3 file of Episode 585 [48:35m]:
4. Listen on the Stitcher app–NO DOWNLOADING!
It’s not often we are privileged to have someone quite like a lipidologist with the credentials of Dr. Dayspring also from joining us on the podcast. You might remember seeing him in a series of YouTube videos from Specialty Health in December 2011 with Gary Taubes.
The way he spoke and the information he provided in those videos made me want to have him appear on my podcast.
After being in private medical practice for 36 years helping his patients understand the importance (or lack thereof) of their cholesterol test results, Dr. Dayspring has turned his attention to educating his fellow physicians, medical school students and laypeople alike on the various intricacies of advanced lipoprotein testing like the NMR Lipoprofile test through his very popular lectures given all across the United States.
He is THE go-to expert on the subject of lipids and what they mean as you’ll quickly hear in today’s interview. Listen in as I get Dr. Dayspring to zero in on the heart of the issue regarding what cholesterol test results really mean and the key markers you need to be aware of in determining your overall health that nobody is currently talking about. A publisher has commissioned me to write a book about a layman’s perspective to understanding your cholesterol test results and Dr. Dayspring will certainly be one of my key resources for information in researching and writing about this extremely critical subject. This podcast today is a keeper and will surely stir the pot of controversy a time or two by the end. ENJOY!
NOTE: My apologies for the poor sound quality of this podcast interview. I have updated my recording equipment for better stability and future episodes will sound better than this. THANK YOU again for your faithful support of this podcast!
nb: he says that LDL particle size is irrelevant, and that only particle number is relevant
In Episode 585 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore,” we welcome the Director of Cardiovascular Education at the Richmond, VA-based Foundation for Health Improvement and Technology (FHIT) and lipid expert Dr. Thomas Dayspring.
Listen to Dr. Thomas Dayspring enlighten on cholesterol:
1. Listen at the iTunes page for the podcast:
2. Listen and comment about the show at the official web site for the podcast:
3. Download the MP3 file of Episode 585 [48:35m]:
4. Listen on the Stitcher app–NO DOWNLOADING!
It’s not often we are privileged to have someone quite like a lipidologist with the credentials of Dr. Dayspring also from joining us on the podcast. You might remember seeing him in a series of YouTube videos from Specialty Health in December 2011 with Gary Taubes.
The way he spoke and the information he provided in those videos made me want to have him appear on my podcast.
After being in private medical practice for 36 years helping his patients understand the importance (or lack thereof) of their cholesterol test results, Dr. Dayspring has turned his attention to educating his fellow physicians, medical school students and laypeople alike on the various intricacies of advanced lipoprotein testing like the NMR Lipoprofile test through his very popular lectures given all across the United States.
He is THE go-to expert on the subject of lipids and what they mean as you’ll quickly hear in today’s interview. Listen in as I get Dr. Dayspring to zero in on the heart of the issue regarding what cholesterol test results really mean and the key markers you need to be aware of in determining your overall health that nobody is currently talking about. A publisher has commissioned me to write a book about a layman’s perspective to understanding your cholesterol test results and Dr. Dayspring will certainly be one of my key resources for information in researching and writing about this extremely critical subject. This podcast today is a keeper and will surely stir the pot of controversy a time or two by the end. ENJOY!
NOTE: My apologies for the poor sound quality of this podcast interview. I have updated my recording equipment for better stability and future episodes will sound better than this. THANK YOU again for your faithful support of this podcast!