Monday, 8 April 2013

Three Reasons Not To Worry About LDL Cholesterol On A Low-Carb Diet - Laura Dolson

Laura Dolson discusses Three Reasons Not To Worry About LDL Cholesterol On A Low-Carb Diet and notes that HDL over 50 and triglycerides under 100 will almost always mean your LDL size is the Pattern A (large, buoyant kind) that you want.

Dr. Jeff Volek has found in his research patients a greatly improved triglyceride/HDL ratio eating a low-carb diet and that this is a much better marker for heart health than LDL or total cholesterol.

As far as I know, the advanced particle size lipid testing has not been used by Dr. Volek, Dr. Eric Westman at Duke or others looking at low-carb diets in their research. I hope that they do add this extra bit of data for the benefit of those who may see some crazy numbers like Dr. Patel and I (and I’m sure many other low-carbers) are seeing.

I’ve said it many times before, but reducing your carbohydrate intake, moderating your protein consumption and consuming higher levels of healthy fats that include saturated fat are the best ways to not just lose weight but making critical positive changes for the better in your lipid panel happen.

[extract from Jimmy Moore]