Thursday, 4 April 2013

Triglycerides - CSIRO on

What about triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a stored energy source.
Most of the triglyceride is found in the very large particles, the VLDL.

Under some circumstances high blood triglyceride can be a risk factor.

If your cholesterol is high (greater than 6.5) and your HDL cholesterol is low (less than 0.9) then triglycerides can increase the risk of heart disease if they are greater than 1.7.

Triglyceride levels greater than 10 can cause inflammation of the pancreas which is a very serious condition.

How can I lower my triglyceride?

Reduce your intake of animal or hard vegetable fats, lose weight and reduce alcohol intake.
Alcohol is very powerful at elevating triglyceride.

See your family doctor if it remains elevated as you may require medication.

Find out more about CSIRO's Preventative Health Flagship.