Thursday, 4 April 2013

No 2 - Should everybody be tested for ApoE4 before going high fat Paleo? -

Should everybody be tested for ApoE4 before going high fat Paleo? -


First of all, I'm assuming the hypothesis that ApoE4 carriers (one or two alleles) face the problem of high LDL Cholesterol and TC, probably due to a diet high in saturated fat.

If that holds true, and according to various blogs (Dr. Davis, Paul Jaminet and Paleo Hacks to name a few), around 15-25% of the populations will be ApoE4 carriers (source), with 2% being double carrier (worst scenario).

Moreover, this condition (in various degrees related to ApoE combinations) could be a problem for newcomers to a high fat paleo diet. Since 1 out 4 is a high proportion it seems to me a safe bet to be tested against ApoE4 before going into a high fat paleo diet.

What do you think? Where and how can one be tested about Apoe4?

PS.: In my case, although I'm from Spain, I'm pretty sure that I could be an ApoE4 carrier, since my ancestors were from Scotland and the prevalence of this gene seems to be higher there.
More Info about ApoE4:

I agree with Cody. I think you need to read these articles again. You seem to be missing the point. – PaleoDel Jan 2 2012 at 17:08


The problem, as you put it yourself, is that you "assumed the hypothesis." As far as I know, the evidence suggests that the hypothesis is false... – Jay Jan 3 2012 at 1:05

Ok, thak you guys. Now I think I have a clear picture of the situation. My intention was not to leave paleo, only to be sure what kind of paleo diet would be better for me. It seems that Cordain and to some extent, Robb Wolf suggest a moderate saturated fat intake. – Nirgal Jan 3 2012 at 10:53

Nirgal, I think you are going to have to just jump in and see. I would start with your ancestral diet, if you can figure it out. That would be the foods that your ancestors had available to them before the agricultural revolution. It's easy for me, because I am Irish and Northern European, and they were the last to switch to farming. – Cody Jan 4 2012 at 1:09

Nirgal, Whereas I'm currently interpreting the collected insights one way, I fully agree that what optimal looks like for APOE4's is an open question, so will be very interested to hear from you again to know what you learn. – Russ Jan 6 2012 at 14:27